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This website is edited by the French College of Parasitologists and Medical Mycologists (ANOFEL, Association Française des enseignants et des praticiens hospitaliers titulaires de parasitologie et mycologie médicales).  

Legal representant, Director 

  • Pr Chabasse Dominique, Professeur de parasitologie-mycologie à la faculté de médecine d'Angers,  Praticien hospitalier. Laboratoire de Parasitologie-Mycologie - CHU Angers.  


All informations provided on this website are not intended to replace the advice of a health professional. The sources referenced for all documents are offered by members of the Association Anofel (see Credit). Despite the care taken in the identification and classification of the documents in this educational support, this site may contain errors, inaccuracies, omissions or data. Therefore, the eANOFEL scientific committee and ANOFEL members, can not be held responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, of any nature whatever resulting from the use, even partial, of the informations on this site.


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Intellectual property rights  

The website is the exclusive property of the « Association Française des Enseignants et des Praticiens Hospitaliers Titulaires de Parasitologie et de Mycologie Médicale ». All images and films are protected by the provision of the intellectual property code. Any reproduction for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited without permission (contact: contact@eanofel.fr). The website is registered for copyright protection at the National Library in Paris (France).

Last modified 04/09/2018
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